Thursday, October 25, 2018

Pipe Bombs and Poppycock

The pipe bombs destined for the mail boxes of prominent liberals have accomplished one thing for Trump: it has knocked Khashoggi news out of the pole position. According to AP,
The attacks overtook other news in an already-tense political season that could reshape Congress and serve as a referendum on the first two years of Trump’s presidency. The actions, which caused panicked building evacuations and reports of additional explosives that later proved unfounded, are bound to add to fears that overheated rhetoric could lead to deadly violence as the parties engage in bitter fights over immigration, the Supreme Court and the treatment of women.
The pipe bombs have allowed Trump to return to his comfort zone and rail against the fake news manufactured by the mainstream corporate media, which, well all is said and done, is the source of his rock-solid 40% approval rating.

There is a stable "American" minority whose identity is based on boorishness, whiteness and a cockeyed fantasy of "exceptionalism" -- the very same identity promoted by the corporate media that acts as Trump's foil.

Juxtaposed to the solid Trump minority is an anti-Trump majority, usually around 52-53%. The problem for the anti-Trump majority is that beyond "Never Trump" it does not have a stable identity.

The latest Khashoggi developments include crown prince Mohammed bin Salman's public declaration of disapproval of the assassination that he ordered and CIA director Haspel's study of Turkey's audio recordings of Khashoggi's murder.

The breaking news is that Saudi Arabia has changed its story once again. Now the Saudi public prosecutor is saying Khashoggi's death was premeditated and not the accidental result of a brawl.

It's part of the "rope-a-dope" strategy. Rest against the ropes while public outrage punches itself out. Replace one load of poppycock with another. At the end of the day the crown prince remains in power.

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