Monday, March 2, 2020

So Long, Pete. We Hardly Knew Ye.

Good riddance Mayor Pete. The New York Times is reporting that Buttigieg will likely endorse Biden:
Mr. Buttigieg talked with Mr. Biden and former President Barack Obama on Sunday night, according to a Democratic official familiar with the conversations. Mr. Biden asked for Mr. Buttigieg’s support and the former mayor indicated he would consider the request. Mr. Buttigieg wants to sleep on the decision, he told aides, some of whom believe he should move quickly to endorse Mr. Biden.
Mr. Obama did not specifically encourage Mr. Buttigieg to endorse Mr. Biden, said the official, who insisted on anonymity to discuss private conversations. But Mr. Obama did note that Mr. Buttigieg has considerable leverage at the moment and should think about how best to use it. Should Mr. Buttigieg endorse Mr. Biden on Monday, it could reshape the Democratic primary if many of his supporters shift to Mr. Biden, creating a more formidable centrist challenge to Mr. Sanders’s progressive movement.
In his remarks, Mr. Buttigieg directed criticism toward Mr. Sanders, without naming him, that he has previously made on the debate stage and on the campaign trail.
“We need leadership to heal a divided nation, not drive us further apart,” he said. “We need a broad based agenda to truly deliver for the American people, not one that gets lost in ideology. We need an approach strong enough not only to win the White House, but hold the House, win the Senate and send Mitch McConnell into retirement.”
As Cenk Uygur correctly points out: 1) Buttigieg dropped out at the behest of his large donors, and 2) Buttigieg dropped out because he is going to get shellacked, blanked, tomorrow; a loss so resounding it would likely tarnish his brand for the foreseeable future.

The problem for the Democratic leadership class is that Obama neoliberal centrism no longer commands majority support, and it certainly doesn't command majority support if Biden is the standard-bearer.

A section of the Democratic electorate might be afraid of Bernie or put off by his style, but this doesn't mean that there is a majority for Biden's cadaverous business-as-usual neoliberalism.

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