Monday, March 23, 2020

April Worse than March; May Worse than April.

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday morning, Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York warned that the city’s hospitals were straining under a deluge of cases, and he again called on Mr. Trump to send more help.
“I want to see this help arrive rapidly,” Mr. de Blasio said, who said the city’s public hospitals were “10 days away from running out of really basic supplies.”
“April is going to be worse than March,” he said. “And I fear May will be worse than April.”
"Coronavirus Live Updates: World Leaders Beg Public to Stay Home; U.S. Lawmakers Fight Over Aid," The New York Times
Living in Seattle, one must assume exposure. The city is approaching a total soft lockdown; "soft" in that security forces are not yet enforcing "shelter in place" advisories.

Our office is officially closed as of today. I'm still going to report to work because someone has to open the mail and deposit the checks. If the building where the office is located is shuttered, that is going to make things more difficult.

My sense is that this virus is a tricky one; that it doesn't vanish in a couple of weeks like a normal virus; it lingers for a month, maybe more; hence de Blasio's rap that April will worse than March and May worse than April.

We'll see. But I think that this is the big unknown of a massive global lockdown. How do we know, given the tenacity and virulence of COVID-19, when it is safe to return to normal?

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