Friday, January 17, 2020

Khamenei's Friday Sermon

This morning both The New York Times and Reuters are leading with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's first Friday sermon in eight years. Neither news organization links to Khamenei's actual comments, which can be found on Imam Khamenei's website. Khamenei devotes choice words regarding the recent decision by Britain, Germany and France to trigger the dispute resolution mechanism of the JCPOA:
"With their turnout in the 10s of millions for Martyr Soleimani's funeral, the Iranian nation showed they support resistance against the enemy’s aggression. These American clowns lie in utter viciousness that they stand with the Iranian people. See who the people of Iran are."
"Are the few hundred people who disrespected posters of Iran's honorable Martyr General Soleimani “the people of Iran"? Or, are the tens of millions attending his funeral the Iranian people?"
"The villainous US govt repeatedly says that they are standing by the Iranian ppl. They lie. If you are standing by the Iranian ppl, it is only to stab them in the heart with your venomous daggers. Of course, you have so far failed to do so, and you will certainly continue to fail."
"The threat of the French and German governments and the vicious British government to send Iran's case to the Security Council proved once again that they are the footmen of the US. These 3 countries are the ones who helped Saddam as much as they could in his war against us."
"The German govt provided Saddam with chemical weapons to target our cities and frontlines, and its effects are still with us. The French govt provided Saddam with Super Étendards to attack our oil ships. The British govt served Saddam in every way too. This is how they are."
"Even when these governments negotiate, their negotiations are mixed with deception. The same people who appear at the negotiating table - the same so-called “gentlemen” behind the table - are the same terrorists of the Baghdad airport. They just change clothes."
It's an interesting question. Are the governments of Britain, Germany and France capable of independent action on issues of war and peace? I'd say no they are not. Therefore, in terms of their national "ontology," they are subsidiary to or franchises of the U.S. nation-state. British, Germany and French sovereignty is counterfeit.

When a threat emerges internally in one of these nations, like Jeremy Corbyn's anti-war, socialist politics, that threat is ruthlessly snuffed out.


  1. Interestingly, Germany did stand up to the US over Nord Stream II. And the Turkish pipeline is moving along. US policy, which seems alway to get back to controlling oil and gas, is running into a problem and it's hard to imagine Germany giving up cheap natgas for America's LNG scheme. Ukraine's geopolitical importance is diminished by the loss of Crimea and the growing irrelevance of the gas pipelines crossing its territory.

    As an aside, have you noticed how many stern-faced sons and daughters of Ukrainian nationals seem to be popping up in the continuing story about how Ukraine is important for national security?

    1. Nord Stream 2 does seem to refute the idea that Germany has no independent foreign policy; for the UK, there is the extradition request of Anne Sacoolas; for France, there is Macron's defense of COP21.

      It has been reported that Germany was brought to heel on scrapping the JCPOA when Trump threatened a 25% tariff on German autos.

      I haven't noticed an efflorescence of Ukrainian nationals. I am behind on impeachment. My hope is that today while watching the conference championship games I am going to get caught up on the stories written since impeachment articles were submitted to the Senate.

      I don't know if you've had a chance to see JOKER, but if you haven't, it's worth checking out. It is a meditation on TAXI DRIVER. We're definitely at the end of the paradigm. Forty-five years of neoliberalism. It shouldn't last for too much longer.
