Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Best-Case Scenario: Impeachment Hearings Doom both Trump and Biden

What's clear is that Trump doesn't want the full whistle-blower complaint revealed. Trump is willing to provide a transcript of his telephone conversation with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, who Trump will meet today at the United Nations, and he's willing to negotiate on the whistle blower providing testimony to congress, but as of now he is only considering the release of the complaint in redacted form. My guess is that there is a name or a description of an particular event that needs to be blacked out in order to prevent further inquiry.

When U.S. involvement in Ukraine is opened up to public scrutiny it is not going to play well for either party. Compared to Nixon scuttling peace talks with Vietnam in 1968, Trump's efforts to drum up dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden seem insignificant. Trump sees impeachment as a "positive" for him. Newt Gingrich has declared “It is a win-win for Trump.” World Socialist Web Site encapsulates impeachment as
[A] significant escalation in the conflict within the US ruling elite between two right-wing factions: the Democrats, aligned with sections of the military-intelligence apparatus, and the Trump White House, which is turning to ever-more personalist and dictatorial forms of rule, based on fascistic appeals to the military, the border patrol and the police.
That being said, I think some good can come out impeachment hearings, depending on how much information is revealed about what the Obama administration was up to in Kiev. A best-case scenario is that hearings doom both Biden and Trump. It might be a bit of an outlier, but it could happen.

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