Sunday, January 19, 2014

Encounter with a Past Self

As we approach halftime in Denver, it definitely looks like it is going to be tough for the Patriots to score. But the game looks closer than the Sunday night game back in November, and Brady brought his team back in that one.

What I want to relate was a brief exchange I had with a young man Friday morning at the SeaTac bus stop. He approached me and asked if I had change for a five-dollar bill; he said that he did not want to pay $5 for a bus ride. I told him that I thought I did.

The young man asked, "How much is a ride, two-fiddy?"

"Yep, two-fiddy."

I went into my shoulder bag and pulled out my wallet and counted out some crisp singles.

"I have quarters, too; if that helps."

"Really? I need quarters. I have laundry to do tomorrow."

I gave him six singles, and he gave me a five-dollar bill and four quarters. He thanked me and went back to stand near the bus shelter, a decent young man alone in the world in his construction-worker clothes bound for some destination unknown armed with a large drab duffel bag. A vision of a past self? I felt compassion for him. A long, suffering road awaits. Fiat lux, bro!

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