Saturday, June 13, 2020

Planet of the Humans

Jeff Gibbs' Planet of the Humans documentary -- the one that was removed from YouTube for a spell; the one produced by Michael Moore; the one that has mainstream enviros quaking with rage -- is quite good and very cogent.

The central thesis is that renewable energy is not going to save the planet from the ravages of climate change. Solar and wind energy are not really renewable in that photovoltaic cells require plenty of toxic industrial fossil fuel inputs and have a limited life cycle. The same can be said of the turbines that generate electricity from the wind.

The biggest target of Planet of the Humans is biomass. Gibbs convincingly documents that a green giant like Germany, a country lauded for producing a high percentage of its energy from renewable sources, owes its stature to burning biomass and biofuels. Biomass is just a fancy name for cutting down trees and burning them in a furnace; garbage, too.

Gibbs illuminates the extent to which high finance has prostituted 350 and the Sierra Club. Most are aware that Al Gore is an untrustworthy, venal character, but who would have expected the same from Bill McKibben?

Our only way out of this mess -- COVID-19 is just a hint of the pain and suffering coming our way -- is a significant reduction in population combined with a massive reduction in consumption. 

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