Friday, July 5, 2019

In Coming War Iran will Seek to Topple Gulf Monarchies

Naked Capitalism re-posts Raul Ilargi's "Memo to the US – The Winds Are Shifting" this morning. It's a breath of fresh air. How often is the big picture illuminated for us? Not very often:
The sanctions on Syria were always aimed at one goal: getting rid of Assad. That purpose failed either miserably or spectacularly, depending on your point of view. It did achieve one thing though, and if I were you I wouldn’t be too sure this was not the goal all along.
That is, out of a pre-war population of 22 million, the United Nations in 2016 identified 13.5 million Syrians requiring humanitarian assistance; over 6 million are internally displaced within Syria, and around 5 million are refugees outside of Syria. About half a million are estimated to have died, the same number as in Iraq.
And Assad is still there and probably stronger than ever. But it doesn’t even matter whether the US/UK/EU regime change efforts are successful or not, and I have no doubt they’ve always known this. Their aim is to create chaos as a war tactic, and kill as many people as they can. How do you define terror, terrorism? However you define it, ‘we’ are spreading it.
That grossly failed attempt to depose Assad has left Europe with a refugee problem it may never be able to control. And the only reason there is such a problem is that Europe, in particular Britain and France, along with the US, tried to bomb these people’s homelands out of existence. Because their leaders didn’t want to conform to “our standards”, i.e. have our oil companies seize and control their supplies.
The UK's seizure of an Iranian tanker off the coast of Gibraltar is more proof that a war with Persia is right around the corner. Seizing ships is already an act of war. Escalation is going to be impossible to avoid.

Iranian leadership must have concluded by now that a war is inevitable. What's the Iranian plan to win the war? I don't think it involves an attack on Israel. I think the target will be the Gulf monarchies.

These despotic regimes are unpopular with the U.S. electorate. If in the next year Trump initiates a shooting war against Iran in defense of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates he will not be re-elected.

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