Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Biden Loves Wall Street and Vice Versa

Shane Goldmacher's "Wall Street Donors Are Swooning for Mayor Pete. (They Like Biden and Harris, Too.)" is an illuminating story that appeared in the national edition of The New York Times on Monday. The super-rich are out of touch. Kamala Harris is plummeting in the polls. Buttigieg is kept afloat by free, never-ending fawning coverage in the mainstream media. And Joe Biden has a huge glass jaw.

Goldmacher provides this gem:
Mr. Biden made explicit at a fund-raiser last Monday in Washington that he does not plan to demonize the financial industry like some rivals have, saying that “Wall Street and significant bankers” can “be positive influences in the country.” (As a senator for Delaware, Mr. Biden was regarded as an ally of financial institutions in the state, such as the credit card industry.)
I'm undecided at this point how Biden would perform against Trump. Early indications are that Biden would do well. The story of the last month is Elizabeth Warren. She has gone from dead on arrival to out-polling Bernie Sanders in several battleground states. It seems to me to be a ruse to bleed Bernie, to muffle the populist outrage on the left by splitting its vote. Democratic voters in the end will be left with Biden as a fait accompli.

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