Friday, June 20, 2014

Clarifying Obama's Statement on Iraq

Yesterday after Obama's statement that the U.S. is sending 300 military advisers to assist Iraq the U.S President answered questions from reporters. If there was any doubt the Fourth Estate is bought and sold in the United States it was certainly laid to rest yesterday. There was not one question about the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and where its funds and fighters are coming from. Questions dealt with Maliki, and the role of Syria and Iran in the conflict. Unbelievable, isn't it?

I thought it would be illuminating to quote Obama's last answer to a question he fielded on Iran, crossing out Iran and replacing it with Saudi Arabia. It makes for an answer that would more truly represent the interests of American voters who elected him:
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think that just as Iraq’s leaders have to make decisions, I think Iran  [Saudi Arabia] has heard from us. We’ve indicated to them that it is important for them to avoid steps that might encourage the kind of sectarian splits that might lead to civil war.

And the one thing that I think has to be emphasized -- we have deep differences with Iran [Saudi Arabia] across the board on a whole host of issues. Obviously, what’s happened in Syria in part is the result of Iran [Saudi Arabia] coming in hot and heavy on one side. And Iran [Saudi Arabia] obviously should consider the fact that if its view of the region is solely through sectarian frames, they could find themselves fighting in a whole lot of places. And that’s probably not good for the Iranian [Saudi] economy or the Iranian [Saudi] people over the long term either. I suspect there are folks in Iran [Saudi Arabia] who recognize that. A Iraq in chaos on their borders is probably not in their interests. But old habits die hard, and we’ll have to see whether they can take what I think would be a more promising path over the next several days.
Thank you very much, everybody.


2:01 P.M. EDT

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