Monday, May 11, 2020

More Bad News on the Way

It looks like more bad news is on the way. "China, Germany, and South Korea have all reported substantial new outbreaks of COVID-19 after they eased lockdowns." Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is predicting that U.S. unemployment will grow even worse in the coming months. And the U.S. and its Five Eyes partners are using the pandemic to step up attacks on China, locking in the New Cold War 2.0, as the Dragon is shunted into the corral with the Russian Bear.

For all intents and purposes the shambolic Trump administration should be on its way out the door. The problem is that the Democrats are equally shambolic. Biden is a joke, and if he chooses the uniquely unappealing Kamala Harris as his running mate, don't be surprised if Trump can stumble into a second term.


  1. As more and more people discover the real nature of Russiagate what little groundswell there is for Biden will flatten.

    I initially thought that the Russiagate psyop was to prevent Trump from winning. I thought that the faux evidence after Trump's election was for the Deep State to control him. But now I suspect that this was their plan all along, to essentially destroy the chance for a Democrat to capture the White House. Of course, it's hard to see, what with the foisting of Biden on the party.

  2. I agree. Aaron Mate's latest on the ongoing collapse of Russiagate is worth checking out:

    Recently released testimony from CrowdStrike that it has no proof, only conjecture, that Russian state actors hacked the DNC.

    Also great commentary by Saagar Enjeti on the collapse of Russiagate:
