Monday, November 18, 2019

Fake News and Censorship, A.K.A, Propaganda

Western corporate mainstream media is performing poorly these days. Examples are numerous. The week-long absurd effort to airbrush the coup in Bolivia as a resignation by a corrupt autocrat comes to mind. Then there is framing of Roger Stone's conviction Friday as a vindication of Russiagate, when, as Craig Murray explains, it was the exact opposite:
The headline “Roger Stone: Trump Adviser Found Guilty On All Charges in Trump Hacking Case” is deliberately designed to make you believe a court has found Stone was involved in “Wikileaks hacking”. In fact this is the precise opposite of the truth. Stone was found guilty of lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee by claiming to have links to Wikileaks when in fact he had none. And of threatening Randy Credico to make Credico say there were such links, when there were not.
Let's not forget Jonathan Steele's OPCW bombshell published Friday by CounterPunch, "The OPCW and Douma: Chemical Weapons Watchdog Accused of Evidence-Tampering by Its Own Inspectors." You won't find a hint of that story in NYT, WaPo, AP, Reuters, or the Guardian. The corporate mainstream media are actively censoring the story. OPCW leadership generated a fraudulent report in order to shield the United States, France and the United Kingdom from war crimes allegations.

What you will find are stories about Prince Andrew and his connection with the late sex trafficker and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Unfortunately you won't find anything about Amy Robach's revelation that ABC spiked a story three years ago about Epstein's pedophile ring unless you watch Fox News, which Katie Halper correctly identifies as feeding into the information tribalism that divides (and rules) the nation.

The Hong Kong uprising and the Buttigieg presidential campaign also need to be included as "events" animated by the corporate media. So much reporting is devoted to both that "facts on the ground" are being created in the Western mind. This is how propaganda works.

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