Thursday, April 12, 2018

It's the White Helmets

This is the best The New York Times can do close to a week after the alleged chlorine attack in Douma that has led the U.S., France, Britain and sundry Gulf monarchies to threaten war against Syria:
While much about the attack remains unclear, a New York Times review of more than 20 videos of its aftermath, an examination of flight records compiled by citizen observers, and interviews with a dozen residents, medics and rescue workers suggest that during a military push to break the will of Douma’s rebels, pro-government forces dropped charges bearing some kind of chemical compound that suffocated at least 43 people and left many more struggling to breathe.
"In a Syrian Town, People Started Shouting: ‘Chemicals! Chemicals!’" by Ben Hubbard
In other words, the White Helmets.

It is interesting to note that the mainstream media will no longer cite the organization by name, preferring the innocuous "medics and rescue workers," because the group has been repeatedly outed as a front for jihadists and Western intelligence agencies.

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