Monday, November 13, 2017

Saudis Have Painted Themselves into a Corner

Lebanon's prime minister, Saad Hariri, has been under house arrest in Saudi Arabia for a week. He went on television yesterday and vowed that he would return to Lebanon "in two or three days.”

I doubt it. The Saudis have fucked up again. They can't allow Hariri to return to Lebanon because once there his party, Future Movement, would disavow his resignation; plus, if Hariri returns, he will have to explain the reason he provided for fleeing to Saudi Arabia in the first place, that there was an assassination plot against him.

No, the Saudis obviously didn't game this one out. The Lebanese aren't buying any of it, and Hezbollah looks better than before Hariri was made captive.

Faced with a problem of his own creation, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will most likely do what he has always done -- make the problem bigger.

The emergency Arab League meeting announced for November 19 will be an occasion for the Saudis to make further demands of Iran and Hezbollah.

The Saudis want a wider war, the idea being that in a direct conflict with Iran, not just a proxy conflict, the United States will have to join the Kingdom.

All the military celebrations during Sunday's NFL games, part of a Veterans Day salute, were accompanied by a barely perceptible but nonetheless present queasiness. The next U.S. war will be a game changer and not in a way that bolsters American hegemony.

People sense it. The tail is wagging the dog.

1 comment:

  1. As you know, I'd always figured the next war would involve Ukraine, but the derailment of Club Clinton kind of screwed that one up. And I don't necessarily think that all of the Deep State is behind a Iran-House of Saud war. That said, if it's taken this long for Salman to get so little done in Yemen, besides killing, I suspect that he won't do any better going after Iran. There are all those rumors about the Saudis actually having nukes, so that could really mess things up.

    The possibilities are endless. At some point Israel will either have to fish or cut bait, and either choice, abandoning their alliance with Arabia or getting their hands dirty there, are going to screw things up. Can you imagine Israeli special forces parachuting into Mecca?

    This could be the beginning of the end of the Safari Club.

    The best solution would be for the US to put a more stable leader in charge of the House of Saud.
