Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Moon of Alabama, a Blog to Add to Favorites

An excellent blog to consult for information on the civil war in Syria is Moon of Alabama. Today's post is devoted to the Patrick Cockburn story about the Free Syrian Army (FSA) laying down their arms to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the city of Tal Kalakh. The rebels are denying it. Al Jazeera, a reliable jihadi propaganda pipeline, was reporting a large column of smoke rising from the city. Cockburn said he was there at the time and saw no smoke.

Cockburn sees locally negotiated cease fires like the one in Tal Kalakh as a way forward. Syrians are sick of the fighting. Only the mercenaries and their monarchical Saudi and Qatari paymasters, along with a clueless Uncle Sam and the old colonial powers, want more bloodshed.

Another good post I saw on Moon of Alabama is The National Interest interview with Zbigniev Brzezinski. Brzezinski thinks that if Syria is cracked the United States and Israel will suffer beyond anything that either country is prepared for.


Tonight listening to the Roadhouse with Greg Vandy I heard a good cut off Booker T. Jones' 2011 album, The Road from Memphis. Here's "Representing Memphis" (Sharon Jones on vocals):

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